Scottie Scheffler’s Post Shot Routine

Scottie Scheffler is red hot, just won the Masters yesterday and demonstrates complete control over his golf game. His approach offers valuable lessons for all golfers to learn from. Today, let's examine his post-shot routine.

A post-shot routine in golf refers to the series of actions and mental processes a golfer goes through immediately after hitting a shot. This routine helps golfers analyze the result of the shot, stay focused, and prepare for the next shot.

A common mistake golfers make is to judge instead of observe their shots. Judging your shot can evoke strong emotions while observing the shot allows you to learn from it. If you learn from your shot, you can adjust for your next shot and continue to improve during any given round of golf.

Watch Scottie as he observes his shots. He stays dead neutral, no judgement, he accepts the outcome, learns from what happened and then adjusts if necessary for his next shot. This is a recipe for success.

I encourage you to incorporate a solid post-shot routine into your own game and see the positive impact it can have.


Lower Body Golf Drill


Tight hands, open clubface