Improve your strike with these simple exercises

The most critical element influencing your golf shots through your club and ball interaction is the quality of your strike.

Today, I'm excited to share a straightforward yet effective exercise designed to sharpen your strike precision on the golf ball.

Exercise: Tape and Tee Drill

  1. Tape on the Ground: Place a strip of tape on the ground right behind your ball. As you practice your swings, aim to hit the turf without touching the tape. If your club hits the tape, it's a clear indicator that your strike location was off. This simple visual cue will greatly assist in improving your strike quality.

  2. Tee Gate Drill: Set up two tees in the ground, spaced just wide enough to allow your club to pass through without touching them. This creates a 'gate'. When you swing, the goal is to pass your club through this gate without clipping either tee. If you hit a tee, it signifies that your clubface wasn't aligned correctly at the point of impact. This drill is excellent for honing the precision of hitting the ball with the center of the clubface.

Both exercises are designed to be simple yet incredibly effective in refining the most crucial aspect of your golf swing: striking the ball accurately and consistently. You can practice these drills at the range, at home, or even during your warm-up before a round.

Remember, consistent practice is key to seeing improvement.


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