Viktor Hovland's matchups

Major kudos to Viktor Hovland, the recent FedEx Cup champ on the PGA Tour! His precise ball striking is impressive, and here's a closer look at how he keeps those shots so controlled.

Viktor's key lies in his impeccable coordination – specifically, the way he syncs up his left wrist movement during the downswing with the motion of his left arm through impact.

This harmonious pairing results in a super stable clubface that causes those dead-straight shots he’s had on display these last few weeks.

Watch how he “bows” his left wrist as he starts his downswing. This move closes the clubface.

Now watch how he bends his left arm through impact with his left elbow pointing at the target.

This move opens the clubface.

The combination of these two moves helps him keep the club face very stable through impact with minimal face rotation.

This allows him to hit consistently straight shots.

So Viktor’s combination of closing and opening moves, helps him keep his club face stable and gives him great control over his ball flight.

Props to Viktor for his dedication to nailing down this technique. It's undoubtedly a big part of his success.


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