Target-focussed putting

Today, I want to share a valuable tip regarding one of the most crucial aspects of golf: putting.

A common challenge among golfers, perhaps one you've experienced yourself, is controlling the distance of putts. After observing and analyzing various playing styles, it's clear that this struggle often stems from where the golfer's focus lies during practice strokes.

The key to mastering your putts is simple yet powerful: focus on the target. When practicing your putting strokes, ensure that your attention is centered on the target rather than on the stroke itself or the immediate surroundings of the ball. This shift in focus helps in a couple of significant ways:

  1. Enhances Speed Control: By concentrating on the target, you align your body and mind with the desired distance. This alignment is critical for controlling the speed of your putt, ensuring that the ball travels just the right distance.

  2. Improves Overall Accuracy: Focusing on the target rather than the mechanics of your stroke helps in developing a more natural, fluid putting motion. This not only aids in speed control but also improves your overall accuracy.

Remember, golf is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. Your focus can dramatically influence your performance. During your next practice session, I encourage you to try this approach. Pay attention to the target with each practice stroke and observe the difference it makes in your putting.

I’m excited to see how this small change can bring about significant improvements in your game. As always, I’m here to support you in your journey to becoming a better golfer.


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