Mastering Your Chip Shots: The Key to Precision and Control

If you want to improve your short game and consistently hit precise chip shots, mastering your ball position is crucial. Small adjustments can have a big impact on your strike and overall shot quality. Here’s a simple exercise to help you fine-tune your technique and discover what works best for your game.

Step 1: Start with Your Normal Ball Position

Begin by setting up with your usual ball position. Hit a few chip shots and take note of how the ball strikes the clubface and the resulting shot trajectory. This establishes your baseline for comparison.

Step 2: Experiment with Different Ball Positions

Once you have a feel for your baseline, experiment with adjusting the ball position. Try moving the ball:

  • Slightly forward in your stance.

  • Slightly back in your stance.

  • Closer to your feet.

  • Further from your feet.

Step 3: Observe the Results

Pay close attention to how each adjustment affects your strike, contact, and ball flight. As you experiment, look for the position that consistently produces:

  • The cleanest strike

  • A controlled trajectory

  • Predictable and accurate results

Why This Matters

A better strike is the foundation of an effective short game. Clean, controlled contact not only boosts your confidence but also enhances your ability to predict and execute your shots with precision.

Next Steps

To guide your adjustments, refer to the accompanying graphic that illustrates different ball positions and their effects. And don’t hesitate to bring your questions or observations to your next lesson. Together, we’ll fine-tune your setup and ensure you’re making the most of every chip shot opportunity.


Awareness. Strategy. Execution.