Feel vs Real

In my daily interactions with many golfers, I repeatedly see certain patterns. One particular trend that consistently emerges is the struggle many encounters while trying to upgrade their swing techniques.

Often, when golfers attempt to integrate a new swing move, they tend to underestimate the extreme feel that accompanies the new move, resulting in a less effective change. However, there's a valuable lesson to be learned from the pros: they intentionally exaggerate these new moves. This approach may seem excessive at first, but it's incredibly effective.

Take Camilo Villegas, a recent PGA tour winner, as an example. He practices by significantly overdoing his swing move, which translates into a more precise and effective action during his actual swing.

My advice to you is to embrace this method. When working on your swing, don't be afraid to overdo it. This might feel a bit extreme, but it's a proven way to ensure your technique evolves effectively.


Hover don’t rest


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